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Yu-Gi-Oh! 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh! 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes

  • Jubileuszowy zestaw na 25 lecie gry.
  • W zestawie 3x 18 kartowy booster.
  • Wersja angielska.
79,00 PLN
brutto / szt.
Możesz kupić za 1975 pkt.
Produkt dostępny w dużej ilości
Produkt dostępny w dużej ilości
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Sprawdź, w którym sklepie obejrzysz i kupisz od ręki
Yu-Gi-Oh! 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes
Yu-Gi-Oh! 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes
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Po zakupie otrzymasz 79 pkt.
Celebrate our 25th anniversary together with our 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes featuring doubled Prismatic Secret Rares and a bonus Quarter Century Secret Rare in every Tin!

Prismatic Secret Rares are one of the things Duelists love most about each year’s Mega-Packs, since Tins are the ONLY place to find this exclusive and beautiful rarity type. And this year, we’re giving you twice as many in each Tin!

Each 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes includes 3 x 18-card Mega-Packs, each with TWO Prismatic Secret Rares, two Ultra Rares, a Super Rare, a Rare, and twelve Commons.

Total per Tin:
6 Prismatic Secret Rares
6 Ultra Rares
3 Super Rares
3 Rares
36 Commons
(and 1 Quarter Century Secret Rare – see below!)

In addition, each Tin will include a Quarter Century Secret Rare version of one of the sixteen monsters decorating the sides of the Tin – some of the most famous and iconic monsters used by the series’ Dueling Heroes!

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