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Warhammer 40000: Dark Angels Deathwing Knights

Warhammer 40000: Dark Angels Deathwing Knights

  • Zdjęcia poglądowe, przedstawiają przykładowo sklejone i pomalowane modele.
Cena katalogowa240,00 PLN
192,00 PLN
brutto / szt.
Możesz kupić za 4800 pkt.
Produkt dostępny w dużej ilości
Produkt dostępny w dużej ilości
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Sprawdź, w którym sklepie obejrzysz i kupisz od ręki
Warhammer 40000: Dark Angels Deathwing Knights
Warhammer 40000: Dark Angels Deathwing Knights
Bezpieczne zakupy
Po zakupie otrzymasz 192 pkt.

Opis za stroną producenta:

Five elite veteran assault Terminators of the Dark Angels

A powerful and durable unit capable of shattering even the heaviest opposition in melee

Armed with heavy maces or power swords, and protected by tall shields

Deathwing Knights are the ultimate veterans of the Dark Angels Chapter – elite death-dealers, specialised in close combat and deployed to break the enemy's back, secure truly vital objectives, or reclaim secrets forbidden even to their battle-brothers. Clad in baroque Terminator armour and equipped with only the finest heirloom wargear, squads of Deathwing Knights teleport into the heart of the thickest fighting, where they smash through their foes in the unerring pursuit of total victory.

This mulipart plastic kit builds five Deathwing Knights, elite Terminators of the Dark Angels Chapter. These venerable heroes are clad in heavily-decorated Tactical Dreadnought armour, befitting their high status, and carry ornate storm shields for even greater protection in battle. Each Knight can be armed with either a crackling power sword or a heavy mace of absolution, and you can build one as a Knight Master festooned in relics, with a choice of great weapons to set him apart.

This incredible kit includes a teleport homer and a Watcher in the Dark carrying a censer, both on their own base. You'll also find plenty of cosmetic options, including interchangeable arm poses, different shield designs, a variety of tilting plates, and more than enough hooded or helmeted heads to outfit your entire squad in the style of your choosing.

This kit contains 119 plastic components, 5x Citadel 40mm Round Bases, 2x Citadel 25mm Round Bases, and a Dark Angels Transfer Sheet. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

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