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Age of Sigmar: Gloomspite Gitz Spiderfang Arachnarok Spider

Age of Sigmar: Gloomspite Gitz Spiderfang Arachnarok Spider

  • Zdjęcia poglądowe, przedstawiają przykładowo sklejony i pomalowany model.
Cena katalogowa220,00 PLN
220,00 PLN
brutto / szt.
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Produkt dostępny w małej ilości
Produkt dostępny w małej ilości
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Sprawdź, w którym sklepie obejrzysz i kupisz od ręki
Age of Sigmar: Gloomspite Gitz Spiderfang Arachnarok Spider
Age of Sigmar: Gloomspite Gitz Spiderfang Arachnarok Spider
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Opis za stroną producenta:

A towering, grot-carrying Monster to bolster your Gloomspite Gitz

Claim territory for the Spiderfang, and spike foes with bows, spears, and claws

Builds a variety of Arachnarok Spiders, and includes a Webspinner Shaman on foot

Arachnarok Spiders are vast arachnid predators possessed of a malevolent sentience. These monstrous creatures stalk into battle carrying rickety howdahs full of shrieking Spiderfang grots, who worship the creatures as the progeny of their eight-legged deity.

This multipart plastic kit builds an Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty. A towering beast covered in chitinous plates, the Arachnarok sports eight bladed legs that can be assembled in a variety of poses. The wooden platform on its back is tied together with spider silk, and even includes a few unfortunate victims – it comes with eight grots wielding bows and crooked spears, who can be positioned as you choose. The kit also includes 12 smaller spiders of different sizes, and a pair of web-coated tree trunks to decorate the base.

This hefty kit can alternatively build several other variants:
- Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider – a spell-slinging wizard empowered by a mobile shrine
- Arachnarok Spider with Flinger – fitted with a catapult and a crew of cackling grots
- Skitterstrand Arachnarok – creatures of shadow that strike their prey as if from nowhere

The additional components in this kit can also be used to build a Webspinner Shaman on foot.

This kit comprises 86 plastic components and comes with a Citadel 160mm Round Base and a Citadel 25mm Round Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

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