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Warhammer 40000: T'au Empire Kroot Hunting Pack Army Set
Warhammer 40000: T'au Empire Kroot Hunting Pack Army Set
Warhammer 40000: T'au Empire Kroot Hunting Pack Army Set
Warhammer 40000: T'au Empire Kroot Hunting Pack Army Set

Warhammer 40000: T'au Empire Kroot Hunting Pack Army Set

  • Zdjęcia poglądowe, przedstawiają przykładowo sklejone i pomalowane modele.
Cena katalogowa750,00 PLN
550,00 PLN
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Możesz kupić za 13750 pkt.
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Warhammer 40000: T'au Empire Kroot Hunting Pack Army Set
Warhammer 40000: T'au Empire Kroot Hunting Pack Army Set
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Po zakupie otrzymasz 550 pkt.

Opis za stroną producenta:

A mighty army of Kroot warriors to fight for the Greater Good

26 miniatures, including a War Shaper, Flesh Shaper, Carnivores, and two types of Krootox

Includes Codex: T'au Empire with a variant cover, and a set of 44 Datasheet cards

root Hunting Packs rely on speed, fieldcraft, and cunning to negate the advantages of more heavily armoured foes before employing the natural ferocity of the Kroot to carry the day.

This massive box includes a whopping 26 miniatures and a codex to either kick off a new T'au Empire army, or add to your existing collection. This balanced box focuses on the Kroot allies of the T'au, led by a War Shaper and supported by a Flesh Shaper. The core of the box is two units of 10 Kroot Carnivores, versatile infantry that add some melee options to T'au Empire armies. They're accompanied by some heavy hitters – three Krootox Rampagers to break enemy lines, and a heavy-weapon toting Krootox Rider.

Also included are a set of 44 handy Datasheet Cards and a copy of Codex: T'au Empire with a cover that's exclusive to this set. This 136-page hardback book contains the history and lore of the T'au Empire, inspiring artwork, and miniatures photographs, and the rules you need to unleash these forces in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

This set includes the following multipart plastic models:

– 1x Kroot War Shaper
– 1x Kroot Flesh Shaper
– 20x Kroot Carnivores
– 1x Krootox Rider
– 3x Krootox Rampagers

This boxed set also contains:

– 1x 136-page Codex: T'au Empire
– 44x Datasheet Cards: T'au Empire

All models are supplied with their appropriate bases.

These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

The codex contains a one-use code to unlock Codex: T'au Empire content in Warhammer 40,000: The App, when it is available.

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