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Warhammer 40000: Night Lords: The Omnibus (Paperback)

Warhammer 40000: Night Lords: The Omnibus (Paperback)

  • Miękka oprawa.
  • Język angielski
Cena katalogowa74,95 PLN
59,00 PLN
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Warhammer 40000: Night Lords: The Omnibus (Paperback)
Warhammer 40000: Night Lords: The Omnibus (Paperback)
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Opis za stroną producenta:

A Warhammer 40,000 omnibus

Guided by the visions of the prophet Talos, a Night Lords warband struggles for survival. But when they come into conflict with fellow renegades and are hunted by the eldar, they find themselves returning to the scene of their greatest defeat and drawn into a battle they cannot possibly win.

Strong characters, witty dialogue and brutal action are in evidence throughout this epic trilogy that takes a squad of Night Lords from hunted renegades to the edge of glory… then drags them right back down again.

Driven by their hatred of the False Emperor, the Night Lords stalk the shadows of the galaxy, eternally seeking revenge for the death of their primarch. Guided by the visions of the prophet Talos, a warband from this sinister Legion struggles to survive in a constant war against the forces of the Imperium. But when they come into conflict with fellow renegades and are hunted by the eldar of Craftworld Ulthwé, the Night Lords find themselves returning to the scene of their greatest defeat and drawn into a battle they cannot possibly win.

Written by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. This omnibus edition contains the novels Soul Hunter, Blood Reaver and Void Stalker, plus additional short stories.

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