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Warhammer 40000: Longshot (Paperback)

Warhammer 40000: Longshot (Paperback)

  • Miękka oprawa.
  • Język angielski
  • Autor: Rob Young
Cena katalogowa55,00 PLN
44,00 PLN
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Produkt dostępny w małej ilości
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Po zakupie otrzymasz 44 pkt.

Opis za stroną producenta:

  • An Astra Militarum novel
  • A decorated sniper wrestles with the responsibility of command in a complex warzone
  • Written by Rob Young

 An Astra Militarum Novel

A celebrated sniper of the Astra Militarum must shift her focus to commanding troops, and dealing with the complications that arise from hard decisions.


It's a look into the haunted thoughts of a soldier wrestling with the complex realities of a galaxy at war. Every choice she makes has consequences for those under her command.


Transplant. Cadian. Sniper. Legend.

Sergeant Darya Nevic is all of these and more… but behind the stories stands a soldier haunted by the unwelcome fame her successes have brought.

During the Cadian 217th’s assault on the manufactorum world of Attruso, Darya finds herself out of her depth, in a war that is fought with words as much as with weapons. As a fearsome winter closes in and her men begin to die around her, she will be forced to confront her doubts and make an impossible choice – to become the figurehead her soldiers need, or to believe the unimaginable promises of the mysterious t’au.

With the fate of her regiment in her hands, which path will she choose?

Written by Rob Young.

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