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Warhammer 40000: Kill Team Nachmund (Podręcznik)
Warhammer 40000: Kill Team Nachmund (Podręcznik)
Warhammer 40000: Kill Team Nachmund (Podręcznik)
Warhammer 40000: Kill Team Nachmund (Podręcznik)
Warhammer 40000: Kill Team Nachmund (Podręcznik)
Warhammer 40000: Kill Team Nachmund (Podręcznik)

Warhammer 40000: Kill Team Nachmund (Podręcznik)

  • Rozszerzenie zasad Warhammer 40000: Kill Team.
Cena katalogowa155,00 PLN
119,00 PLN
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Produkt dostępny w małej ilości
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Warhammer 40000: Kill Team Nachmund (Podręcznik)
Warhammer 40000: Kill Team Nachmund (Podręcznik)
Bezpieczne zakupy
Po zakupie otrzymasz 119 pkt.

Opis za stroną producenta:

Key Features

  • An essential Kill Team gaming supplement
  • Contains full rules and lore for Legionary and Corsair Voidscarred kill teams
  • Offers background info, nine missions, and killzone rules for the Nachmund Gauntlet

The Nachmund Gauntlet – a relatively stable realspace corridor through the tumultuous warp storms of the Great Rift – is one of the most strategically important locations in the Imperium. It would be a dangerous place even without the countless millions of pirates, criminals, heretics, and traitors of a dozen and more species fighting relentless wars for supremacy and wealth. Among these are the Heretic Astartes – traitor Space Marines in thrall to the Chaos Gods – and the Corsair coteries – Aeldari who seek a life of independence and freedom and care little for others.

This is the paperback Kill Team supplement originally found in the Kill Team: Nachmund boxed set, now available on its own. Inside these 96 pages, you'll find full rules and background for both Voidscarred Corsairs and Chaos Space Marine Legionaries Kill Teams, datacards (including fillable blanks to copy), equipment lists, and Spec Ops rules including Rare Equipment.

Also contained within is a lore guide to the Nachmund Gauntlet, full killzone rules for using the terrain from Killzone: Nachmund, and the Shadow Operations: Nachmund Mission Pack, which offers nine missions for use in your games of Kill Team, available to any faction.

You'll need a copy of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Core Book to make full use of this supplement.

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