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Warhammer 40000: Dawn of Fire The Martyr's Tomb Book 6 (Paperback)

Warhammer 40000: Dawn of Fire The Martyr's Tomb Book 6 (Paperback)

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  • Język angielski
Cena katalogowa49,95 PLN
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Book 6 in the Dawn of Fire series

The Black Templars and Sisters of Battle hold a shrine world against the Death Guard

Written by Marc Collins

Dawn of Fire Book 6

The zealous Black Templars and the Order of Our Martyred Lady hold a shrine world against the Death Guard – a guttering light in the darkness.


Marc Collins shows us how desperate the fight can get in the swirl of the Indomitus Crusade. Every world defended is worthy of celebration, no matter the cost.


The Indomitus Crusade burns across the stars, while new threats emerge to challenge the Imperium's resurgence.

As the Kingdom of Iron is secured and the Primarch Reborn's thoughts turn to future salients, the Arch-enemy strikes back against the Indomitus Crusade's forces. The shrine worlds of the Golden Chain are all but broken, and only Velua remains defiant. Canoness Irinya of the Order of Our Martyred Lady and Champion Gaheris of the Black Templars hold the line, fighting against the plague-ridden cultists reducing the planet to anarchy.

While the war rages on and the true enemy makes itself known, the fate of Velua and the wider crusade may rest upon the shoulders of another of the Imperial Regent's agents: the disgraced Rogue Trader Katla Helvintr. Heroes rise and worlds fall, and only the light of faith will guide the warriors of the Imperium to their destiny.

Written by Marc Collins.

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