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Warhammer 40000: Datasheet Cards Adeptus Mechanicus

Warhammer 40000: Datasheet Cards Adeptus Mechanicus

  • Zestaw 35 kart referencyjnych (161.5mm x 107.1mm) do X Edycji WH40k dla frakcji Adeptus Mechanicus.
  • Język angielski.
  • Wymagają podręcznika Codex Adeptus Mechanicus.
Cena katalogowa110,00 PLN
88,00 PLN
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Produkt dostępny w małej ilości
Produkt dostępny w małej ilości
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Warhammer 40000: Datasheet Cards Adeptus Mechanicus
Warhammer 40000: Datasheet Cards Adeptus Mechanicus
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Po zakupie otrzymasz 88 pkt.

Opis za stroną producenta:

35 handy Adeptus Mechanicus datasheet cards to make your rules easier to reference

Helps you focus on your game as you defeat foes with your superior technology

Includes special datasheets for use in Combat Patrol games

The armies of the Adeptus Mechanicus consist of cohorts of Skitarii cyborgs, bizarre war engines, and other fanatical followers of the Machine God, led into holy war by their robed Tech-Priests.

This set of 35 cards will help you keep track of your Adeptus Mechanicus forces in-game, with individual datasheets for every unit, detailing their profiles, wargear, options, and special abilities. You'll also find a reference card for the Adeptus Mechanicus army rules as well as special datasheet cards for use in Combat Patrol games.

- 1x Army Rules Card
- 30x Adeptus Mechanicus Datasheet Cards
- 4x Combat Patrol Datasheet Cards

All cards measure 161.5mm by 107.1mm, and feature an eye-catching red foil glint edge.

You'll need a copy of Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus to make full use of these cards.

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