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 [Alternatywna Okładka] Dungeons & Dragons RPG Adventure - Vecna: Eve of Ruin english

[Alternatywna Okładka] Dungeons & Dragons RPG Adventure - Vecna: Eve of Ruin english

  • Przygoda do systemu Dungeons & Dragons
  • Wersja angielska, twarda okładka.
179,00 PLN
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 [Alternatywna Okładka] Dungeons & Dragons RPG Adventure - Vecna: Eve of Ruin english
[Alternatywna Okładka] Dungeons & Dragons RPG Adventure - Vecna: Eve of Ruin english
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Opis za stroną dystrybutora:

Save existence from annihilation in this epic, multiverse-spanning adventure.


The notorious lich Vecna is weaving a ritual to eliminate good, obliterate the gods, and subjugate all worlds. To stop Vecna before he remakes the universe, the heroes work with three of the multiverse’s most famous archmages, travel to far-flung locales, and rebuild the legendary Rod of Seven Parts.

Vecna: Eve of Ruin™ is a high-stakes DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® adventure in which the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance. The heroes begin in the Forgotten Realms® and travel to Planescape®, Spelljammer®, Eberron®, Ravenloft®, Dragonlance®, and Greyhawk® as they race to save existence from obliteration.

A DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventure for characters of levels 10–20. For use with the fifth edition Player’s Handbook®, Monster Manual®, and Dungeon Master’s Guide®


  • Dare you say his name? Fans of Stranger Things will be delighted to discover that Vecna is back – with a vengeance. This notorious D&D villain has set his sights on something more terrifying than ever: the end of existence itself.
  • Dungeon Masters and players alike will unlock their full potential in this epic high-level adventure, which is designed for 10th to 20th level characters. You hold the power to change the multiverse, so what are you waiting for? Legends aren't born – they're made.
  • Join the battle for the multiverse alongside legendary allies who you may recognize from other D&D adventures. This book includes detailed character dossiers with exclusive insight into these illustrious figures.
  • Journey through memorable fantasy locations during your race to save existence. From the wild space galaxies of Spelljammer® to the mist-shrouded vistas of Ravenloft®, your quest will carry you all over the D&D multiverse.
  • Take on over 30 terrifying new monsters spawning from all over the multiverse. Battling these beasts will bring you one step closer to foiling Vecna's plans and vanquishing evil, once and for all.
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    Dungeons & Dragons
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