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Warhammer 40000: Aeldari The Yncarne
Warhammer 40000: Aeldari The Yncarne
Warhammer 40000: Aeldari The Yncarne
Warhammer 40000: Aeldari The Yncarne
Warhammer 40000: Aeldari The Yncarne
Warhammer 40000: Aeldari The Yncarne
Warhammer 40000: Aeldari The Yncarne
Warhammer 40000: Aeldari The Yncarne

Warhammer 40000: Aeldari The Yncarne

  • Zdjęcia poglądowe, przedstawiają przykładowo sklejony i pomalowany model.
Cena katalogowa185,00 PLN
185,00 PLN
brutto / szt.
Możesz kupić za 4625 pkt.
Produkt dostępny w dużej ilości
Produkt dostępny w dużej ilości
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Bezpieczne zakupy
Po zakupie otrzymasz 185 pkt.

Opis za stroną producenta:

The Yncarne is the embodiment of the Whispering God, Ynnead – the Aeldari God of the Dead. A macabre angel, both beautiful and terrifying to behold, the Yncarne is summoned to battle by the energy released when Aeldari lives are lost. Once it has torn into realspace, the Yncarne advances on its enemies shrouded in a psychic vortex of deathly whispers that rips the life from those who earn its ire. Nearby Ynnari are invigorated by its chilling power, while foes are turned to dust by the Yncarne's gaze, or sliced in two by its sweeping blows with Vilith-zhar, the Sword of Souls – most powerful of the Croneswords in Aeldari possession.

This kit builds the Yncarne, the avatar of Ynnead, armed with Vilith-zhar, the shapeshifting Sword of Souls. Surrounded by a roiling ectoplasmic aura, the Yncarne can be built holding its mighty Cronesword in its longsword form, with the Aeldari rune of rebirth held in its right hand, or wielding the Sword of Souls as twinned short blades. Erupting onto the battlefield when allies die, this otherworldly entity wards its allies against the fear of death, and can fell any foe with its deathly touch.

This set comprises 36 plastic components and is supplied with a Citadel 80mm Round Bases. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints

Kod producenta
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